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In TSR102, the Hydref/Autumn 2018 edition of The Snowdon Ranger, it was announced that the boiler for NG15 №134 was to be sent away for overhaul. This is the most expensive single item required for the locomotive and therefore the largest consumer of funds. Whilst we have sufficient funds to keep the restoration project moving on several fronts more funding will be needed to cover the boiler overhaul in a timely manner as it is in the critical path to compleetion of the whole loco.

You can help in this regard by making a donation through the Donations and legacies page or by using the PayPal button below:



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The boiler was sent away to Locomotive Maintenance Services in Loughborough in December 2018, the same contractor who overhauled the boiler that will go onto NGG16 №138.

Whist it had received an initial inspection during an earlier assessment towards restoring the loco to running order in 2002 it was given a further inspection at LMS in the first half of 2021. This was broadly in line with the earlier report and indicated known bad areas in need of cutting away to enable further visibility of the state of the boiler, and whether any addition work would be needed.

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Following this a full program of work was agreed between the boiler inspector, LMS and the Railway Company and work duly commenced on the complete overhaul into serviceable condition in June 2021.

The photo on the right shows the boiler in an inverted position, with the foundation ring removed and an area in need of attention marked up.

We'd like to thank those who've already donated - it's much appreciated. Please keep it coming though - as mentioned this is the largest source of expenditure for the project so more funds are still needed!